WASD or arrow keys for movement

Space or left click to use items

E to pickup items on the floor

Aim of the game is to protect your bones from invading weeds in different ways. 

Play through the tutorial and the games 3 levels or test your skill in arcade mode's

4 difficulties.

Mr. Femur has to get his bones to grow, but his bones will crack throughout the night! To prevent this use your calcium can to keep them strong. There are also weeds, terrible green creatures that wish to destroy your bone garden, they grow slowly but can quickly become an issue if not dealt with quickly, destroying your bones in search of minerals for their growth. Use your scythe to kill the greater weeds and your shovel to remove the smaller ones.

Mini Jam 166 submission.

Updated 16 days ago
Published 17 days ago
Authorkol in the river
Tags2D, Arcade, Farming, Pixel Art, Singleplayer


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Fun and challenging